Tuesday, April 04, 2006

update on my summer vacation

it's already april. it has been more than a week since graduation day last March 25th. yup, i'm currently on my summer vacation abroad in the States. right now, my family and i are staying at my cousin's place in Albany, New York. the ambience is very cozy, especially inside the house. however, the weather outside is really, really cold with a temperature in the 40's and 50's (fahrenheit)! before we arrived here, we spent a few days walking around and exploring the every block and corner of the streets of the Big Apple. honestly, it's the most walking i've done over several days. i'm used to driving my car at home. here in New York, i've become one of the commuting tourists. it's great exercise, especially now i'm eating so much food abroad, hehe.

next week is Holy Week; Disneyworld is where we'll spend these momentous Christian holidays. kinda not appropriate, right? it's going to be 7 (or 8) fun-filled days under the Florida sun!

i still can't recover from jet lag, though! :(


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