Tuesday, June 03, 2008

this time...

Somebody told me that prayer works 200% of the time; that's how powerful it is. So here goes mine, as I try I to hold on for dear life:

"Dear Almighty Father,
Right now, things are not going well with my life and my relationships. I sincerely implore Your mercy for true healing in times like these. All I can do now is have complete faith in You, as nothing is impossible in Your power. I seek nothing but Your divine will and hope that what I ask for is You desire for me. Lord, You alone can make me stronger. Honestly, I want these relationships to work out in the end. I trust You, Father. Thank You for always being there to tell me that You are in my midst, ever ready to catch me whenever I stumble. More importantly, I hope that people like me, who are sinners, will find redemption in Your blessing and unconditional love. If only we can even learn to love just half of how much You love us, then we'll be better humans in our human relationships. Amen."


Blogger MJ said...

hey abi! your prayer applies to a lot of people. i know God will hear us out.

thanks for this. take care abi! =)

love, Monique

1:13 PM  

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