since this is my blog, i can pretty much say whatever, right? as of writing this entry, i want to type a whole bunch of curses and expletives that are known to man. why? i'm so stressed, damn it. i feel like punching another person for the heck of it...just because i can and i want to. or else, i'll explode and maybe have a sudden rise in my blood pressure (or something close to it like bursting a blood vessel wherever in my body!)... i want to shout as loud as it's humanly possible right now. BUT i can't since my throat is sore and it hurts like hell to exert that extra effort. come to think of it, i'd only aggravate the immense anxiety i'm having now. aaaarrrrggghhh! there aren't enough letters and punctuation marks to express how awful i'm feeling, as of this moment. there are times wherein it's so burdensome to live. it's no wonder some people suffer bouts of depression and feel utter disgust for anything coming their way. it seems so damn pointless to even acknowledge these "disturbances".
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