Tuesday, June 14, 2005

first day in hell...er..i mean, 'school'

if i screw up in my senior year in college, i'm doomed for sure!...

i stepped out of my car and the first thing that greeted me was the frickin' ultraviolet rays of the sun. the air was so polluted that i could see the dust particulates settling on any visible surface. there wasn't any tinge of cool breeze that i could find comfort in.

as the fiery afternoon progressed, i have become more and more parched and famished. my head has started to throb into an awful migraine. all that i wanted to do was to run to a dark corner and curl up like a ball, so that i could escape the madness for a short while.

if only i could ask a friend to give me a hug (without giving any reason whatsoever), it would definitely assure me that everything would be okay. i want somebody to tell me that i need not worry about the nearby flames, which could devour me in one big hurrah, because i don't have to be alone in this 'infernal dimension'.

tomorrow is another 'hot' day...


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