Wednesday, June 28, 2006

shameless film post

have you seen it already??... well, "it" is the new Spiderman 3 teaser trailer! it's only 1:37 minutes in length, but it packs quite hell of a punch. the editor did a really great job of putting together bits and pieces of the film, without giving away too much. after watching the clip, it really really made me wish that i could see the entire thing right away...but of course, it's yet to be shown on the 4th of May 2007 (arggghhh!!!). according to the the film's official website, we all have to wait 309 days until its release. time flies fast, anyway.

by the way, if anyone wants to see trailer, here's the link:
  • spiderman3-teaser-trailer

  • (you need Quicktime to view it, though.)

    i'm going to watch it again, later...hehehe

    Monday, June 26, 2006

    a simple request of mine

    today is one of THOSE days!: i'm minding my own business and some people around me suddenly become irritable. this may sound farfetched: sometimes, i wonder if i'm one of the factors that make them act like that. i mean, "c'mon! back off a little". people can be so touchy-feely during some days. all i'm asking is don't let that negative energy spill over other innocent bystanders. i get it: you're having a BAD day!... give others the opportunity to enjoy THEIR DAY. please, find a way to deal with your day, which has gone awry. is that too much too ask?! sheesh!

    Thursday, June 22, 2006


    my life is full of meaning...

    i'm thankful for having been blessed with extraordinary people who are always there for me. they inspire me to strive for the best. they help me face challenges. they make me feel safe. they never falter in showing their love for me.

    i wish i could show how much they mean to me.

    Saturday, June 17, 2006

    faith and hope

    My Answer is You...

    There's a world of difference when faith is in a heart
    It stands out like sunlight
    Life becomes so dark
    And when those around me ask me why
    I dare to dream
    Or why I love or why I sing

    My answer is You
    My answer is You
    You're the hope that my heart is holding on to
    Skeptics won't understand
    It's strange from the world's point of view
    My answer is You

    They may find it incredible to believe what I can't see
    They might think it's foolish
    Or even say it's weak
    I want to live my life so differently because of faith
    If it causes them to question, for me to say

    My answer is You
    My answer is You
    You're the hope that my heart is holding on to
    Skeptics won't understand
    It's strange from the world's point of view
    My answer is You

    You're the reason I'm alive
    For every good thing in my life
    My answer is You
    My answer is You
    You're the hope that my heart is holding on to
    Skeptics won't understand
    It's strange from the world's point of view
    But my answer is plain and it's simple, Lord
    My answer is You

    This song keeps on playing in my head not only because I play it over and over on my mp3 player, but also because its message is so poignant and moving.

    I admit that i'm not that very keen on practicing my faith, but I do go to mass and pray everyday. Sometimes, I just do these practices out of habit; more often, I lose track of the meaning of these practices. However, i've always kept in mind that God's presence in my life is something that i have faith in. There are times where i'm in the lowest of lows, i find it very difficult to have hope that something good can be drawn out of such despair and weakness. Of course, i can't help but question and doubt God and His will; it's human instinct to act this way. Through constant reflection and contemplation, i realize that God is just there right beside me. I experience problems, not because He wants to see me suffer, but because He wants me to realize that i can't stand without Him...that i have the capacity to lose control; His way is always what's best for me.

    According to the Bible, Faith is the essence of things HOPED FOR, the evidence of things UNSEEN. In the song, God is the HOPE that people hold on to, not only in good times, but also in trying times.

    Wednesday, June 07, 2006

    "breathless" and "sleepless" nights

    it's the 3rd day this week, since monday, that i had to wake up by 530am. i know it's not an unholy hour; a lot of people get up during a very much earlier time. i've been getting only 5 hours (or less) of slumber.

    i can't sleep before 12am because of the friggin' heat and humidity in the air. because of such weather condition, i'm driven to turn up the fan's speed to its maximum level and let it blow huge gusts of air directly on me (which i've been told is a no-no because it makes my allergies act up; when they do start, i go through a "sneezing frenzy!). now, i'm having a bout with colds and cough. what's worse, i end up hyperventilating. i hate it when this happens! sometimes, i wish i could take my lungs out for a few minutes to let it "rest" and put it back when it's already cleansed of bad air.

    today, my difficulty in taking "normal" breaths was aggravated. i had to take an exam for a prospective job in a bank in a room where the airconditioner was in full blast. i swear the air vent in the ceiling was right on top of me! i was trying not to feel cold by thinking i'm in heated spa room; it worked for the first hour. i realized my "mind-over-matter" schtick can only do so much, argh! yup, i was starting to feel very chilly; i'm having an experience of HYPOTHERMIC proportions! i couldn't focus on the tests at hand. luckily, i managed to qualify for both stages of the written exam. (i had an interview in the afternoon.) as soon as the exam was over, i rushed towards the door; i couldn't wait to feel an amount of heat in the air.

    i'm at home now. i feel that i'm about to be plagued by the flu. i can't breathe! i can't stop sneezing! i can't sleep!

    more colds and cough = less sleep --> OH NO!!!

    tomorrow's going to be the 4th day...